The 100% Digital Leeds programme is led by the digital inclusion team in the Integrated Digital Service at Leeds City Council and Leeds Health and Care Partnership NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. They work with partners across the city in many different settings – third sector, public sector, health, and care – to strengthen digital inclusion infrastructure in communities to increase access, engagement, and participation. 100% Digital Leeds worked with BCF to enable us to be come a “Digital Health Hub” a local place where people could be sign posted to receive help on digital inclusion. We offer free Wi-Fi, devices to use or loan and thanks to the partnership with 100% Digital Leeds BCF has been able to run adult learning courses are how to safe online, budget and finance planning and how digital devices can be used for fun.
“Burmantofts Community Friends is one of 100% Digital Leeds’s most valued partners. They have done amazing work supporting digital inclusion in one of the most economically deprived areas in the city. As well as supporting access to equipment and connectivity, the team has developed creative, innovative, and fantastically successful approaches to supporting digital skills, confidence, and motivation. They are an example for organisations supporting older people, and we’re grateful they are so happy to share their learning with others via the Older People’s Digital Inclusion Network, helping us build capacity to support digital inclusion across the city.”.
Amy Hearn, Digital Inclusion Manger, 100% Digital Leeds.