Our Outreach and Digital Engagement Workers provides advice and support to older people at our centre and via home visits to those who are housebound or unable to attend our offices through home visits and telephone support.
We provide individualised support to our members which includes support to access the correct benefits, blue badges, travel passes, promoting healthy life choices, digital inclusion, accessing health appointments, housing assistance, utility advice and more.
We work in partnership with health organisations such as NHS, Age UK, local GP’s, pharmacies, alongside schools and community groups to provide services and advice that supports local members to make informed choices about their lives and promote independent living.
Our outreach work is crucial in engaging new members who do not have the confidence to visit our offices, and once a relationship is built the older person is building their confidence to visit us.
Office Appointments:
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We can book appointments with a member of BCF staff to discuss any issues or problems you face or for a friendly chat.
Drop In Information Sessions:
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Every Tuesday between 10 and 12 we offer a first come, first seen appointment system to offer you practical help or advice on any topic. This includes bills, benefits, service advice and more. We might not know the answer, but we’ll do our best to find out information for you.
Digital Inclusion:
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Every Monday we host a breakfast and browsers group, on Fridays a digital drop-in session and one-to-one appointments can be made also. We have free public Wi-Fi available at the BCF social centre, and we can help with device and data access if needed. We partner with 100% Digital Leeds and The Leeds Digital Ball on this project.
Home Visits:
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Whilst we encourage BCF members to come to our offices for visits, we understand this might not always be suitable and home appointments can be made also.
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As part of our NHS partnership and Leeds Older Peoples’ Forum, BCF offers a person-centred support service to manage their help, keeping them fit and well at home or offering practical help when experience a hospital stay and assisting people to get home quickly and safely when able to do so.
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BCF offers regular wellbeing calls and in person visits for those wanting a friendly ear and to make new friends.
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Working with our partners BCF offers in person health and wellbeing support. These include regular clinics to service NHS prescribed hearing aids, and a weekly community health hub to receive practical help from the NHS reablement team in a relaxed and friendly social setting.
Here we encourage local older people to come in to have a health check up with a qualified nurse. This not only makes the process of proactively managing their health easier for older people who tell us they don’t always ring the doctors as they are worried about burdening the NHS, it also means that our team can check in with them over a cuppa and identify any other issues early on.
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Travel & Transport Support
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Do you have problems with transport or travel? Do you want to increase your confidence using transport? Reach new places through travel? Return to places you used to go? Improve your health and wellbeing by getting out and about? We can help with this too! Call and speak to Sabs about our active tranvel program ran with Leeds Older People’s Forum.